If you’re a Breaking Bad fan, you know the show’s sharp wit and iconic moments. But what if you could bring some of that swagger into your love life? Here are 40 Breaking Bad-inspired pickup lines that are sure to leave a lasting impression

Breaking Bad Pick Up Lines That Get Them

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Alpha Phase...

Are you a catalytic reaction? 'Cause you're speeding up my heart rate.

You're more valuable to me than a barrel full of methylamine.

Are you hydrofluoric acid? Because you're eating right through my defenses.

Forget Blue Sky - your eyes are the most addictive thing I've ever seen.

I'm no Salamanca, but I'd ring your bell any day.

You must be Walter White, 'cause you've awakened something dangerous in me.

Let's cook up some romance - I've got all the right ingredients.

Are you made of francium? 'Cause you're the most reactive thing I've ever encountered.

I'd face the cartel just to take you out for coffee.

Call me Los Pollos Hermanos, 'cause I'm craving a taste of you.

You're the Gale to my Boetticher - let's make beautiful chemistry together.

Are you a noble gas? 'Cause you've got me feeling inert around you.

I'd give up my entire empire for a chance with you.

You must be Saul Goodman, 'cause you're a criminal attraction.

Our bond is stronger than Walt and Jesse's partnership.

Beta Phase...

Are you made of beryllium and barium? 'Cause you're a BaBe.

I'd cross any desert to be your Heisenberg.

You've got me melting faster than a body in hydrofluoric acid.

I must be Gus Fring, 'cause I'm dying to take you out.

Call me Tuco, 'cause you've got me going loco.

I'd choose you over a truckload of precursor any day.

I must be Walt, because you've got me breaking bad habits just to see you.

You must be Lydia's stevia, 'cause you're sweetening up my life.

Our attraction is more unstable than Walt's azide compound.

Are you made of gold and titanium? 'Cause you're Au-Ti.

I'd give up my hazard pay just for your number.

Call me Hector Salamanca, 'cause you leave me speechless.

You're the purest compound I've ever laid eyes on.

Are you Jesse Pinkman? 'Cause you're the only one I want to cook with.

Our chemistry is so strong, we could start our own lab.

Gamma Phase...

I'd trade all my methylamine for just one date with you.

Call me Heisenberg, 'cause I'm uncertain about everything except how much I like you.

Is your name Crystal? Because you've got me feeling blue.

You must be a 99.1% pure compound, 'cause you're intoxicating.

I'd cook up anything to spend some time with you.

Are you made of iodine and selenium? Because I-Se what I like.

Let's be like Walt and Jesse - partners in crime.

You're hotter than a super lab explosion.

Call me Mike, 'cause I'd do anything to be your cleaner.

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