Ever feel like someone has a pull on you that’s impossible to resist? Just like gravity keeps us grounded, certain people have a way of drawing us in. If you’re looking to express that magnetic attraction, we’ve curated a handful of pick up lines that you should only use.

Pre-Populated Gravity Pick Up Lines

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Alpha Phase...

I'm like a meteor - I've fallen hard and fast for you, and I'm about to make an impact.

Let's ignore friction and fall together.

I'm falling for you faster than 9.8 m/s².

Are you the autumn equinox? Because you've got me falling head over heels.

Let's fall into each other's orbit.

Fall for me, and I'll never leaf you.

You must be a warm sweater, because you're exactly what I need this fall.

You've got me falling faster than Newton's apple.

I'm falling for you like rain in autumn.

Are you a pumpkin spice latte? Because you're hot, sweet, and perfect for fall.

Is your name Autumn? Because you're making me fall hard.

You must be a leaf, because I'm falling for you.

I'm falling under your spell... care to cast another?

Want to be my fall break?

Pies are baking, turkey's on the table, fall into my arms, I'll show you I'm able.

Beta Phase...

Sweaters are warm, cocoa is hot, fall for me and give it all you've got.

Leaves are crunchy, air is crisp, fall for me and I'll give you a kiss.

Hay rides are bumpy, corn mazes confuse, fall into my bed, you've nothing to lose.

Must be fall, because I'm falling for your charms faster than leaves from a tree.

Want to fall down the rabbit hole with me?

Let's fall from grace together.

I'm falling... can you catch me in your bed?

Fall into my arms, and I'll show you paradise.

Jack-o'-lanterns grin, black cats prowl, fall for me and I'll make you howl.

I'm falling... for your charms.

Let's fall off the wagon and into some fun.

Leaves are orange, pumpkins are round, let's fall into bed without making a sound.

Fall for my charms, and I'll fall for yours.

I'm falling... for your body.

Let's fall off the grid and into each other.

Gamma Phase...

Want to fall from heaven with me? I promise it'll be divine.

Fall into my web of seduction.

I'm falling head over heels... want to flip me back over?

Bonfires glow, s'mores are gooey, fall for me and things will get steamy.

Scarves are cozy, nights are long, fall with me and we can't go wrong.

Apples are crisp, cider is sweet, fall into my arms for a spicy treat.

Autumn is gold, winter is silver, fall for me now and I'll make you shiver.

Want to fall into a steamy situation with me?

Let's fall into a tangle of sheets together.

Fall for me, and I'll make sure you never want to get back up.

Let's fall into a pattern of naughty behavior.

Let's fall back... into my bed.

Want to fall into a world of pleasure with me?

Fall into my trap of desire.

I'm falling for you like temperatures in autumn.

Delta Phase...

Let's fall off the wagon of propriety.

Want to fall into a night of passion?

Fall for me, and I'll show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.

I'm falling... can you break my fall with your body?

You're the reason for my fall from innocence.

Want to make the fall semester more interesting?

You must be fall foliage, because you've got me stopped in my tracks to admire the view.

I'm falling head over heels... want to catch me?

I'm falling for you harder than a skydiver without a parachute.

Like the changing leaves, you've got me falling hard.

Fancy a fall fling?

You're so hot, you're making my leaves fall off.

Fall with me, and I promise to catch you.

Let's fall into temptation together.

I'd fall from any height for a chance with you.

Epsilon Phase...

Want to be my reason for falling behind on work?

Let's fall back together when daylight savings ends.

Fall for me, and I'll make it worth your while.

Are you the Fall equinox? Because you've got me perfectly balanced between turned on and falling in love.

I've fallen and I can't get up... unless you help me to your bedroom.

Let's fall into each other's arms and see where we land.

You must be autumn, because I'm falling hard for you.

Want to fall into bed with me?

I'm falling for you faster than leaves from a tree.

Fall is in the air, and I'm hoping you'll fall into my lap.

Newton claimed gravity is the force that pulls us down, but he never felt the pull of falling for you.

You’re so magnetic! My zipper is falling for you.

Are you the speed of light? Because you’ve got me falling for you faster than ever.

You better tie your shoe, I don’t want you falling for anybody else.

Are you a solution? Because I’m falling for you and I’m not diluted.

Omega Phase...

I couldn't fall asleep. So I fell for you instead.

Do you have a bandaid? Because I just scraped my knee falling for you.

Do you have a Band-Aid? I just scraped my knee falling for you.

Do you like raking leaves? Because I'm falling for you.

I wasn't planning on falling for anyone today, but meeting you just changed all my plans.

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