We’ve all had that situation where it became crucial we have conversation with someone who we’ve had eyes on, but just can’t find the right approach to take. Even worse, lack what to say.

This is a perfect scenario to leverage pick up lines.

Tip: Make sure to keep rehearsing every one of these pickup lines daily so they become ingrained in you and you never have to think twice before letting anyone out of your mouth.

Baseball Rizz Pick Up Lines That Gets Them

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Alpha Phase...

Roses are red, home plates are square, I'd round your bases without a care.

You must be a grand slam, because you've knocked it out of the park.

Are you a suicide squeeze? Because you're taking my breath away.

I must be a catcher, because I can't take my eyes off your pitch.

Want to slide into my DMs like you're stealing home?

You must be a home run, because you've got me rounding all the bases.

Is your name Bat? Because you're a real heavy hitter.

Are you the World Series? Because you're a total catch.

I'd like to be your pinch hitter, if you know what I mean.

You must be a relief pitcher, because you've got me all hot and bothered.

Want to play some extra innings at my place?

Are you a baseball diamond? Because you're a real gem.

I must be a fastball, because I'm coming in hot for you.

Want to be my dugout buddy? I promise it'll be more fun than the game.

Is your name Glove? Because you've caught my heart.

Beta Phase...

Is your name Bat? Because you're causing quite a stir in my dugout.

Want to practice some pitch control? I've got a few balls we could use.

Are you a switch hitter? Because I'd love to see you play both ways.

You must be a perfect game, because you've left me speechless.

Want to be my MVP? I promise you'll get all the perks.

Is your name Bat? Because you've got me all worked up in a sweat.

Are you a walk-off homer? Because you've won my heart in dramatic fashion.

Are you a shortstop? Because you're filling a hole in my heart.

Want to be my bullpen? I've got some heat I need to work out.

You must be a triple play, because you've left me stunned.

Is your name Pitch? Because you've got me worked up into a frenzy.

Want to practice some baserunning? I've got a few positions in mind.

Are you a squeeze play? Because you're making me feel the pressure.

Want to be my designated hitter? I promise you'll score every time.

You must be a perfect game, because I can't find a single flaw.

Gamma Phase...

Roses are red, pine tar is sticky, Your pitch control's got me feeling frisky.

Is your name Strike Zone? Because I'd love to get in there.

Roses are red, bullpens are far, But you've caught my eye like a rising star.

Roses are red, scoreboards keep count, Your grand slam's got my interest to mount.

Roses are red, cleats dig the dirt, Your wild pitch has left me alert.

Roses are red, mitts are made of leather, I'd catch your fly ball in any weather.

Roses are red, bat cracks are loud, Your home run swing's got me weak in the crowd.

Roses are red, umpires make calls, I'd let you handle all of my balls.

Roses are red, jerseys have numbers, Your curveball's left my knees all aquiver.

Roses are red, diamonds have bases, I'd slide into your DMs like aces.

Roses are red, relief pitchers close, Your perfect game's left me comatose.

Roses are red, MLB's got rules, But for you, I'd break them all like fools.

Roses are red, stadiums are vast, With you, I'd make every moment last.

You must be a walk-off grand slam, because you've left me in awe.

Want to play some pepper? I promise it'll be hot and spicy.

Delta Phase...

Roses are red, strikes come in threes, Your slider's brought me to my knees.

Are you a knuckleball? Because you've got me all twisted up.

You must be a no-hitter, because you've left everyone else invisible.

Is your name Mound? Because I'd love to round your bases.

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