Ever find yourself in a cosmic dilemma, wondering how to grab someone’s attention in the most out-of-this-world way? Black holes might seem like the ultimate mystery of the universe, but when it comes to captivating someone special, you don’t need a Ph.D. in astrophysics—just a stellar pick-up line. Here are they:

50 Black Hole Pick Up Lines

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Alpha Phase...

I'm drawn to you like matter to a black hole - irresistibly and completely.

I'm falling for you faster than light falls into a black hole.

Your body has more curves than a spacetime diagram near a rotating black hole.

Are you a binary black hole system? Because you and I could make waves across the cosmos.

Are you a supermassive black hole? Because you're the center of my universe.

Are you a black hole? Because I'm drawn to your event horizon.

Hawking talked about black holes, but he never understood how you pulled me in.

Are you a black hole? I just can't seem to escape your pull.

Your smile must be a black hole; I'm irresistibly drawn to it.

Want to explore my black hole later?

Your eyes must be black holes, because I find it impossible to escape their gravitational pull.

Your smile must emit Hawking radiation, because it's causing my black hole of loneliness to evaporate.

Your smile must be a black hole; I’m irresistibly drawn to it.

Are you a black hole? Because you’re pulling me in with your gravity.

You must be a black hole, because I'm drawn to your heavenly body.

Beta Phase...

Are you a black hole? Because I'm completely drawn to you.

Are you a white hole? Because you're ejecting all sorts of exotic matter into my life.

Your presence distorts my worldline in all the right ways.

Let's merge our event horizons and create some gravitational waves.

I must be approaching your Schwarzschild radius, because time seems to stop when I'm with you.

Want to explore my ergosphere? I promise it'll be a wild ride.

Your curves are more captivating than the curvature of spacetime near a singularity.

Your eyes are like quasars - they outshine everything else in the universe.

Your gravitational pull is so strong, I can't escape your event horizon.

I must be experiencing time dilation, because every moment with you feels like eternity.

Is your name Sagittarius A*? Because you're the star at the center of my galaxy.

Your beauty is so intense, it's warping the fabric of spacetime around you.

I'd cross the event horizon just to get closer to you.

Your attraction is so strong, not even light can resist you.

Is that a Hawking radiation in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?

Gamma Phase...

Let's form an accretion disk and see what hot matter we can generate.

You must be a Double Shot, because you've energized my whole day.

Can we go home and take some algebra? We will have the whole night to compare oranges to apples.

Orange is a step back. Girl, YOU are the new black. Just listen to this remix. I want you instantly like Netflix.

They say orange is the new black, but honey, you're the new everything.

I'm usually more of a grapefruit guy, but you've got me reconsidering my whole citrus hierarchy.

You must be a kiwi berry, because you're small, sweet, and I want a whole bunch.

If you and I were Squirrels, I'd store my nuts in your hole.

Do you know what Aladdin and I have in common? We both want to show you a whole new world.

Roses are red, my coffee's black, Your smile's more energizing than a Venti pack.

Roses are red, the Batsuit is black, I'd love to see you on your back.

Are you a lunar eclipse? Because you've totally blacked out my ex.

I need three things: the sun for the day, the moon for the night, and you for the whole life.

Your smile could power a whole city of solar panels.

You must be a solar eclipse, because you've totally blacked out all other girls.

Delta Phase...

I'm not saying you're a snack, you're a whole fruit salad. But let's focus on the berries.

Forget about Orange Is The New Black, let's make Orange Is The New Date Night.

You've got that timeless beauty - like a classic black and white photo.

Girl, you must be a blackberry, 'cause you've got me feeling thorny... I mean, thorough about my intentions.

Roses are red, the tumbleweed rolls, Your eyes are deeper than gold mining holes.

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