20 Nintendo Pick Up Lines
Press start on romance with these Nintendo-themed pickup lines! Player 2 has entered the game of love..
GENERATE NINTENDO PICK UP LINESI must be under a Confusion status effect, because I can't think straight when I'm around you.
nintendo0Is your name Zelda? Because you're a real legend.
nintendo0You must be using Attract, because it's super effective on me.
nintendo0Are you a Fire Flower? Because you're making me feel hot.
nintendo0I'd travel through every Warp Pipe just to find you at the end of my journey.
nintendo0You must be a Master Ball, because I can't escape your capture.
nintendo0Is your nickname Joy-Con? Because you're definitely bringing me joy.
nintendo0Are you Kirby? Because you've sucked me right in.
nintendo0I must be Mario, because I'm falling for you like I'm jumping off a platform.
nintendo0You must be a Rare Candy, because you're making me level up in all the right ways.
nintendo0Is your name Samus? Because you're out of this world.
nintendo0Are you using Double Team? Because I'm seeing you everywhere I look.
nintendo0You must be a Golden Mushroom, because you're making my heart race.
nintendo0Is your name Link? Because I feel like we're destined to be together.
nintendo0Are you a Poké Ball? Because I choose you.
nintendo0You must be Pikachu, because you're absolutely electrifying.
nintendo0Is your nickname Switch? Because you've got me turned on.
nintendo0Are you a Save Point? Because I'd like to stay right here with you.
nintendo0You must be a Shine Sprite, because you're lighting up my world.
nintendo0Are you a Super Star? Because you've made me invincible to everything but your charm.