You can use anything to start a conversation. Her hubby, your hubby, an anomaly, a question, or even better, the weather.

Think about a conversation that starts with “The sun might be 93 million miles away, but you’re right here setting me on fire.”

This is what we’re talking about!

Here are the only 30 I recommend you use…

30 Sunlight Pick Up Lines to Never Ignore

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Alpha Phase...

I'd trade a lifetime of sunlight for just a moment in your shadow.

Hey baby, the sun is not the only thing that rises.

I thought I was sun-kissed, but now I know what that really means.

Forget the sun, you're the real reason I'm sweating.

The forecast didn't mention you'd be bringing this heat wave.

Your beauty outshines even the brightest day.

I'd trade a lifetime of sunsets for one night with you.

You must be a sunburst, because you've broken through all my clouds.

Are you the golden hour? Because everything looks perfect when you're around.

You're like a solar panel - the more exposure I get, the more energized I feel.

The only thing hotter than your body is the sun.

Hey, if you can’t take the heat, get out of your clothes.

I barely noticed you in the winter months, you were missing from the sky.

You should go back to my house and make it hot. It was so cold at night.

Forget SPF, you're the only protection I need.

Beta Phase...

Are you solar-powered? Because you've been running through my mind all day and night.

You're so hot, you make the Sahara look like a walk-in freezer.

Is your name Sol? Because you're the star of my daydreams.

You must be the horizon, because I can't take my eyes off where the sun touches you.

Are you a greenhouse? Because you're trapping all this heat between us.

You're like a sunbeam - you brighten even the darkest corners of my life.

Is it just me, or did the temperature rise 10 degrees when you walked in?

You must be photosynthesis, because you're essential to my growth.

Are you a mirage? Because you're the hottest thing I've seen in this desert.

Did the sun just come out, or did you just smile at me?

I hope you're wearing SPF, because you're scorching!

Roses are red, UV rays are strong, Next to your glow, they don't stand for long.

You've got me melting faster than an ice cream cone in July.

The sun might set, but my desire for you never does.

Roses are red, solar flares are bright, Your smile's so radiant, it turned day to night.

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