Ever seen a guy who has everything to say about nothing? Words as smooth as honey. Casually drops the hottest line in the room. The darling of the crowd.

Become that guy with Kiwi.

Here are Kiwi pickup lines prepopulated by airizzgenerator

Kiwi Pick Up Lines That You Never Hear

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Alpha Phase...

Kiwis have fuzz, roses have leaves, Your charm has me weak in the knees.

You must be a kiwi tart, because you're sweet, tangy, and I want a bite.

I must be a kiwi expert, because I know exactly how to handle delicate fruit like you.

Are you a kiwi? Because you're the only fruit I want to spoon tonight.

Want to compare our vitamin C levels? I hear kiwis are loaded, but I bet you've got even more.

You must be a kiwi sorbet, because you're cool, refreshing, and I want to savor you slowly.

Is that a kiwi in your hand, or are you just happy with your produce selection?

I must be a kiwi vine, because I'm really growing attached to you.

Are you a kiwi cutter? Because you've sliced right through to my heart.

Want to be the kiwi to my fruit salad? You'll be the star of the bowl.

Is it just me, or is there some kiwi-stry between us?

You must be a kiwi ninja, because you've skillfully sliced your way into my heart.

Is it just me, or is the kiwi not the only thing ripe for the picking here?

I like my kiwis how I like my dates: sweet, exotic, and ready to be devoured.

Are you a kiwi orchard? Because I'd love to spend all day exploring your goods.

Beta Phase...

Want to be my kiwi partner? I promise our relationship will be anything but fuzzy.

I must be a kiwi harvester, because I'd love to pick you up tonight.

Are you a kiwi? Because you're the fuzz-t thing I want to see in the morning.

Roses are red, kiwis are seedy, Your love's the only vitamin I'm needy.

Kiwis are oval, violets are purple, Without you, my life feels infertile.

Is that kiwi juice running down your chin, or are you just drooling over me?

Is it hot in here, or is it just the kiwi flush on your cheeks?

Kiwis are fuzzy, violets are blue, I'd peel the world, just to be with you.

Want to play a game of 'Guess the Kiwi'? I'll be blindfolded, and you can be delicious.

Are you a kiwi vine? Because I'd love to get tangled up with you.

Want to come back to my place and compare our kiwis?

You must be a golden kiwi, because you're rare and absolutely delicious.

Is that a kiwi in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?

I must be a kiwi farmer, because I'd love to handle your fruit.

Are you a kiwi? Because you're fuzzy on the outside, but sweet on the inside.

Gamma Phase...

I like my kiwis how I like my lovers: sweet, juicy, and leaving me wanting more.

Are you a kiwi grower? Because you've got some impressive fruit.

You must be a kiwi cocktail, because you're exotic and intoxicating.

You must be a kiwi smoothie, because you've got me all blended up inside.

Is that a kiwi-scented perfume? Because you're smelling extra fruitylicious tonight.

I must be a kiwi seed, because I'm hoping to plant myself in your heart.

Are you a kiwi? Because you've got me feeling fuzzy all over.

Want to be the kiwi to my pavlova? I promise we'll make a perfect dessert.

You must be a kiwi berry, because you're small, sweet, and I want a whole bunch.

Is that a kiwi-flavored lip balm? Mind if I taste?

I must be allergic to kiwis, because you're taking my breath away.

Are you a kiwi bird? Because you're flightless, but you've still got my heart soaring.

Want to peel my kiwi? I promise it's worth the effort.

Roses are red, kiwis are tart, One taste of you has captured my heart.

Roses are red, kiwis are green, Your eyes are the sweetest I've ever seen.

Delta Phase...

Roses are red, kiwis are sweet, Without you, my life's incomplete.

Roses are red, kiwis are juicy, A night with you would be oh so saucy.

Roses are red, kiwis are divine, I'm hoping you'll be my Valentine.

Kiwis are tropical, violets are not, You're the perfect blend of cool and hot.

Roses are red, kiwis are furry, Into your arms, I'd love to scurry.

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